Repair Water Damage and Delamination on RV's, Camping Trailers, Motorhomes, 5th Wheels, Toy Haulers, and Truck Campers. Re-bond delaminated fiberglass siding, plywood, and Styrofoam.

These kits feature either Composet SLV® or Composet Compobond®composite bonding resin systems. 

Composet SLV® Injectable composite bonding resin for "closed wall" applications where the siding has not pulled away. This is the typical delamination where the siding is bubbled or bulging because the layers in the wall have separated. In many cases the delaminated materials can be re-bonded by injecting Composet SLV® into the delamination and clamping the area until the resin cures. The Composet SLV® is very thin and and the parts need to be tight fitting. These kits come in 5 variations. The #12 Kit, #24 Kit, #24 Kit PLUS, Master Kit, and Master Kit Plus. Coverage is estimated at 1 square foot for every 100cc of mixed resin.

Composet SLV® INJECTABLE Delamination Repair Kit Options
ITEM #12 KIT #24 Kit #24 Plus Master Kit Master Plus
SLV 1.2 quart 1 2 2 3 3
mix cups 2 4 4 4 4
60cc syringes 4 6 6 8 8
150 cc syringes - - 1 - 2
gloves (ea) 4 6 6 8 8
stir sticks 4 6 6 8 8
putty knife 1 2 2 2 2
shims 4 6 8 12 12
small flexible tube 4' 6' 6' 8' 8'
large flexible tube 2' 3 6' 4' 6'
small rigid pipe 12" 12" 18" 12" 18"
large rigid pipe - - 12" 12" 18"
small panel roller - - 1 - -
large panel roller - - - - 1
squeeze bottle - 1 1 1 1
3M yellow tape - - 1 1 1
Instructions 1 1 1 1 1



Composet Compobond® Trowel Grade composite bonding resin for "open wall" applications where the siding has pulled away and a thicker resin is needed. In this application  the siding has separated far enough to apply the Composet Compobond® with a brush, roller, or trowel. The PLUS kits include a larger syringe and tube as the Compbond can be pumped to some degree. This resin will fill intermittent gaps up to 1/8". These kits come in 5 variations. The 1.25 Quart Kit,  2.5 Quart Kit, 2.5 Quart PLUS Kit, the 3.75 Quart Kit, and the 3.75 Quart PLUS Kit. Coverage is estimated at 1 square foot for every 140cc of mixed resin.

Composet CompoBond® TROWELABLE Delamination Repair Kits
ITEM 1.25 Quart Kit 2.5 Quart Kit 2.5 Quart Plus Kit 3.75 Quart Kit 3.75 Quart Plus Kit 2-Gallon Kit 2-Gallon PLUS Kit
CompoBond 1.25 quart A/B 1 2 2 3 3 -  
CompoBond Gallon A/B - - - - - 2 2
small mix cups 2 - - - - -  
large mix cups - 2 2 3 3 3 3
gloves (ea) 4 6 6 6 6 6 6
large stir sticks 1 2 2 2 2 3 3
8" dual notch trowel 1 - - - - -  
10" large notch trowel - 1 1 1 1 1 1
spreader 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
150cc Syringe     1   1    
Empty 10oz caulk tube           1 2
large tubing (feet)     3   3 3 5
small panel roller - - 1  - -    
large panel roller - - -  - 1   1
adhesive roller sleeve 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
brush     1   2 2 2
Instructions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
CompoBond MSDS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1




In either the "closed" or "open" wall applications the materials must be dry, present, and not severely damaged or missing. Clamping is required.


Delamination Repair (12)

#12 RV Wall Delamination Repair KIT with the Composet SLV® injectable resin system for "closed walls".


#24 RV Wall Delamination Repair KIT with the Composet SLV® injectable resin system for "closed walls".


#24 PLUS RV Wall Delamination Repair KIT with the Composet SLV® injectable resin system for "closed walls".


Master RV Wall Delamination Repair KIT with the Composet SLV® injectable resin system for "closed walls".


Master Plus RV Wall Delamination Repair KIT with the Composet SLV® injectable resin system for "closed walls".


1.25 Quart Compobond® Kit for "open" wall Delam Repair, Trowel Grade


2.50 Quart Compobond® Kit for "open" wall Delam Repair, Trowel Grade


2.50 Quart Compobond® PLUS Kit for "open" wall Delam Repair, Trowel Grade


3.75 Quart Compobond® kit for "open" wall Delam Repair, Trowel Grade
